Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks (FHBP) released “Orange County Park Scores” in August/September 2011. These scores demonstrate how many acres of parkland there are per 1,000 residents for every city in Orange County. Areas with less than three acres of parkland per thousand residents are considered park poor. Park Scores were calculated three different ways:
- The first analysis included city-owned protected parkland and beaches, with full or restricted access.
- The second analysis included city- and county-owned parkland.
- The final analysis included all publicly owned (local, regional, state, and federal) parkland or beaches with full or restricted access and included lands privately conserved by non-governmental organizations.
The Study was made possible due to a generous grant from Boeing.
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This publication is copyrighted by FHBP, 2011. Reproduction can occur only with the express written permission of FHBP and credit must be given to FHBP.