The Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Park’s (FHBP) Green Vision Coalition is comprised of more than 70 conservation and community groups with local, regional, state, national, and international coverage. These organizations united 20 years ago behind the vision to find and create funding for parks, water quality, and open space. To provide assistance to the public, organizations, officials, and others, FHBP developed a Google Map of the territories our Green Vision Coalition organizational members cover. It is broken down by location and within each location there are specific territorial attributes. Each territory is color coded and depicts the focus area of the coalition member. Information is provided of each organization’s name, website URL, and phone number for the geography or territory, so that it easier to find a contact within that group. Due to the “Orange County” focus of our Coalition, international and national organizations were put into the “California” geography.
How to Use the Map
To view the legend, click on the rounded rectangle with the arrow pointing right within the upper left side of the map banner.
To close the legend, the arrow now points left within the rounded rectangle, click it.
To view a particular geography the legend must be open. Click on the box to make it become checked for the location you are interested in. In several cases there are multiple territories within a geography and those are displayed using different colors.
To view which Green Vision Coalition organization works in that geography, click on the territory name with the uniquely colored circle and four dots around it. A new informational screen will open from the left with the organization’s name, website URL, and phone number.
To close this informational screen click the left arrow at the top of the legend. Alternatively you can click on the colored territory on the map itself and the informational screen will also open.
To share the map, click on the three connected dots in the upper right side of the map banner. There are four share options available.
To view the map in your browser, click on the image that looks like old fashion photograph corners, on the right upper side of the map banner. In the browser, you can cover over the layers that are on and the information layer will display and be shown in the legend on the left. Alternatively you can click on the colored territory on the map itself and the informational screen will also open.