CA Supreme Court Denies Developer’s Petition

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The California Supreme Court has just turned down the developer’s request for review of the Madrona project. Game Over. WE WON.

After a 17 year battle to stop Madrona, a dangerous hillside development of 162 houses deep in the fire prone Carbon Canyon area of Brea, conservationists are celebrating a final victory. At every step of the way, Hills For Everyone and its co-petitioners won, and we won again today.

The City of Brea will now need to be ordered by the Superior Court Judge to revoke all approvals it granted for the project in June 2014.

Friends of Harbors, Beaches & Parks (FHBP) was a co-petitioner on this lawsuit. This is the third victory on this case. Great work Hills For Everyone in leading this charge on the Stop Madrona effort. Congrats!!

Learn more about this victory.