Action Alert on CEQA

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A Phone Call or Email is Needed TODAY to Protect the Environment from Legislative Rollbacks

The California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, is California’s premiere environmental law that requires (1) environmental impacts be analyzed, (2) impacts be reduced, and (3) public input. It has improved many development projects and created many parks through mitigation. Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks (FHBP) and many of its partner organizations use CEQA to defend the environment because this is one of the only ways the public has a voice in potentially environmentally damaging projects.

Governor Newsom is trying to weaken the law in a very inappropriate manner—not through the usual legislative process—but rather through last minute “budget tailer bills” that don’t have normal public hearings. This is a tactic used to shut out public scrutiny and comment—he is trying to silence us now and by rolling back CEQA.

FHBP urges immediate action today (Monday, June 19th) by calling or emailing Governor Newsom.

I oppose the budget trailer bills that weaken the CEQA process. These trailer bills harm the environment and limit the ability of residents and communities to participate in governmental decision-making. This goes against your efforts to protect 30% of California’s lands and waters by 2030.