Through a great partnership with Hills For Everyone, the Friends of Harbors, Beaches & Parks (FHBP) Green Vision Map identified 275 properties (totaling over 30,000 acres) in and around Orange County for possible acquisition. Right now, the California Natural Resources Agency is taking ideas for land acquisitions around the state to help implement its 30×30 Campaign.
The 30×30 Campaign aims to protect 30% of California’s coastal waters and lands by 2030. Early math indicates about eight million acres remain to reach that number. We are thrilled 31 organizations of the Green Vision Coalition signed onto the letter submitted to the Agency today.
We are ready to protect land in our part of the state. Orange County can and should contribute to the greater good and preserve our unique biodiversity. Thanks to every organization that signed on. Our collective voices are stronger together than alone!
Learn more about this collaboration, the letter, and view the maps.