Indigenous Acknowledgment

Orange County, where the majority of Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks’ work is focused, is on the ancestral homelands of the Acjachemen (Juaneño) and Gabrieliño people. We pay respect to the Indigenous People whose land was forcibly colonized and recognize the importance of the tribal relationship to the land past, present, and future.

Recent News

June 20, OCTA Coastal Rail
Resiliency Study Listening Session

Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks (FHBP) for the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Coastal Rail Resiliency Study (CRRS) virtual listening session from 4 – 5 PM this Thursday, June 20, 2024. 

This event is specifically for the environmental and conservation community to weigh in on the short- and long-term options, impacts, and opportunities, etc. See the attached flier for more details, but know that this is a listening session. OCTA will not be hosting a Q&A format, this is the Authority’s chance to hear your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

The Virtual Event
Date: Thursday, June 20th
Time: 4-5 pm
Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 830 5971 4628
Call in: (669) 900-6833

As you may be aware, the train tracks between Dana Point and the San Diego County line are used for travel by commuters, tourists, goods movement, and the Department of Defense. A number of significant issues have caused rail closures over the past few years. The CRRS is exploring solutions to protect approximately seven miles of coastal railroad in place for up to 30 years, while the Authority works on longer term solutions. Just like a house with a leaking roof, immediate solutions are needed to stop the leak, while the longer-term solutions are evaluated and implemented. This situation is no different.

OCTA would like input from the environmental community and is offering a listening session specifically for our input. Please join as a participant at this virtual event to learn more about the study and share your input/questions. 

It is important to FHBP, that the Coalition is aware of the materials and resources available to you before this meeting. Understanding the issues in advance is critical to making substantive comments. Here are some resources for you to review before next Thursday’s virtual meeting:

Have Questions for FHBP?
Reach out to me, Connie Gallippi, as I’m FHBP’s new Program Consultant and main contact for this event. My email is  

We hope to see you all there! 

Green Vision Map

Upcoming Events

Saturday, June 29th at 8 AM
Trail Stewardship – Emerald Canyon
Register online!

Friday, July 5th at 6:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Distance Hike into Red Rock Wilderness
Register online!

Sunday, June 30 at 9:30 AM
Family Hike in Aliso and Woods Canyons
Register online!

What We Do

Ensure Healthy Ecosystems

Ensure Healthy Ecosystems

FHBP supports decisions that create healthy ecosystems and opposes those that don’t.

Engage Communities

Engage the Community

FHBP collaborates with the community and organizations to achieve its mission.

Enhance Quality of Life

Enhance Quality of Life

FHBP works to improve the quality of life and sustainability of our region.